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Intuition & Science

Intuition (n) - A persons knowing from an instinctive feeling, as opposed to conscious reasoning


Intuition has been scientifically proven through a series of tests using emotional triggers to direct the responses from the participating individuals, and found incredible results of intuitive responses. There has also been an interest taken after these milestones, by the psychology field, about Intuition. Also, Intuition is understood in that area of science (in a nutshell) as a typical process that our brain does which then calculates the incoming data and probabilities and formulates, using logic, a solution which is then translated into a trusted gut feeling. Here's a little snippet from an article I read explaining it more in depth:

The Structure of Intuitive Abilities and Their Relationships with Intelligence and Openness to Experience” published in the journal, Intelligence (Vol 67 p1-10). 5 According to the authors “intuition is not a unitary psychological construct but rather a complex cognitive conglomerate that incorporates diverse processes and mechanisms and these intuitive abilities are largely independent from psychometric intelligence”.

I am sure if you know about intuition, then it's highly probable that you're aware that women supposedly have a better intuition than men. Although it is true, it isn't because men aren't capable or as capable, they completely are. It's our culture that is to blame for the men coming in second to women in being the more intuitive of the two sexes, we view intuition as a society view intuition as something warm and fuzzy, or not masculine, and so men have lost touch to those emotions, according to Judith Orloff, MD, assist. clinical professor of psychiatry at UCLA.

If you hadn't heard of the women and men theory, then surely you know it being referred to as 'a gut feeling', right? Or even,'my head says this but my heart says that' is just another way of saying intuitive. If you have ever had a twinge where you think somethings not right and you got the funny feeling in your tummy, that is intuition. Judith Orloff, as mentioned before, wrote a book titled Guide to Intuitive Healing: Five Steps to Physical, Emotional, and Sexual Wellness, " Just like the brain, there are neurotransmitters in the gut that can respond to enviromental stimuli and emotions in the now-when those transmitters fire, you may feel the 'butterfly sensation'.". Researchers theorize the gut instinct sending signals to your brain, plays a large role in intuition.

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